
Toddlers learn best in safe, loving places where they can explore, in their own way.

the toddlers’ program at Tui Art

In the toddlers’ room, we apply the RIE philosophy and implement the Pikler and Reggio Emilia approach – teachers respect your child and focus on your child’s interests and then expand on them through planned or spontaneous activities.


In the toddlers’ room, sleeping, eating, and toilet-learning routines are flexible, calm, familiar and positive. Self-help in washing hands and eating is encouraged.


If you’re ready for more info, we’d love you to visit us.

Learn to be independent

At Tui Art, toddlers are supported and encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and their actions by being offered choices and opportunities for increasing independence. Toddlers’ communication and increasing independence are responded to and supported by their teachers. Consistent and manageable expectations and boundaries are set at Tui Art. Our teachers assist toddlers in managing their feelings when making choices and decisions and dealing with conflict and frustrations.

cute toddler baby getting off the bed, crawling at home

Toddlers program

Our toddlers’ program includes: